Thyatira: When Jesus Christ Threatens a Church, Revelation 2:18-29

Revelation 2:18-29

Thyatira:  When Jesus Christ Threatens a Church


When we leave Pergamum we get on the highway and head 35 miles southeast to arrive at a city called Thyatira.  Thyatira was not an important city politically or religiously at the time.  However, it was important militarily and economically.  Militarily, Thyatira was the “buffer” between an enemy army and Pergamum.  Thyatira was kind of like the expendable character in a movie whose life was forfeited in saving the hero.  The little city bought time for Pergamum by putting up some resistance to invading armies who were on their way to attack Pergamum – the more important city. 


Economically the city’s main industry was the production of wool and dyed goods – especially purple.  In Acts 16 Paul arrives in Philippi and the first convert is a woman named Lydia, a woman from Thyatira who sold purple cloth.  The city was also filled with trade guilds. Guilds were like associations of various trade laborers, kind of like unions today.  There were guilds for workers in wool, dyes, tanning, leather, linens, potters, bronze smiths, slave traders, and bakers.  The people in Thyatira were mostly skilled laborers who were hard-working, had calloused hands and blue collars.  When not punched in most folks socialized with others from their guild.


This is important to understand because it is from these trade guilds that the Christians in Thyatira received the most pressure.  To hold a job or run a business you had to be a member of a guild.  Each guild had its own deity and worship of that deity was a regular part of membership in the guild.  Worship involved feasts held in that god’s honor – which involved meat sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality as components of the worship.  Christians had to decide whether they were going to compromise their loyalty to Christ for economic and social safety, or, stay faithful to Him by refusing to participate in worshipping the guild gods and face economic and social persecution.  In other words, a Christian has to decide if they want to face the threats of the world or the threat of Jesus Christ.


Question:  Would Jesus ever threaten one of His churches?  Yes.  If there is ongoing sin that is not being corrected you can bet Jesus will become threatening to one of His churches (Acts 5; 1 Corinthians 11:27-34; Hebrews 12:4-11; Revelation 3:19).  We must always remember that God’s love for sinners does not diminish His fierce indignation towards sin one bit.  Nor does the fact that someone’s sins are forgiven mean Christ will never grow angry when sin is tolerated inside one of His Churches.


It seems that today a lot of people try to paint Jesus as a loving hippie social revolutionary who could only be angry at religious Pharisees and oppressive governments.  But the real Jesus Christ is very capable of anger - even towards His Beloved Bride.  


For instance, notice from verse 18 how He presents Himself to Thyatira:  “The Son of God”.  In many Roman cities you had to worship Caesar and call him the son of God.  Jesus reminds them He is the real Son of God.  “Blazing eyes”, showing us that everything is seen by the light of His all-knowing eyes and that He is fiercely indignant over the sin He sees in Thyatira.  Then notice He mentions His feet, “like burnished bronze”, both bronze and the feet of our Lord are associated with Judgment in Scripture.  He is the Authoritative Son of God whose eyes are all-seeing and aflame with anger at the sin He sees and He stands ready to judge the sin He sees.  This is a picture of a threatening Jesus Christ.


Let us look under 3 headings


#1:  What did the Church of Thyatira do Well? (v19)

            Before laying out their sins Jesus acknowledges their good points.  What were their good points in Thyatira?  Notice verse 19, “I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.”  That is a list of virtues that every Christian and every Church should aim for.  We get the picture here that this church was active and busy doing good things to help each other.  And that is what we should be doing:  Ephesians 2:10 says God has prepared in advance good deeds for us to walk in” and Titus 3:14 says we are to “devote ourselves to doing what is good”.  But notice the particular way this church stands out:  they were doing more today for the Lord than they were yesterday.  Unlike the Ephesian Church that had quit doing some of the good deeds it did at first, the believers in Thyatira were doing more than when they first started. 


Are we doing more than we were before?  The Scriptures present that the expected healthy Christian life is one that is progressing in good deeds.  When kids have growth problems we are concerned.  Difficulty in speech leads to speech therapy.  Underweight leads to special diets.  Cognitive abilities and physical coordination are expected to progress at a generally normal pace.  An 18 year old in 5th grade means there is a problem.  A 12 year old who isn’t potty trained indicates proper development has not occurred.  Progress should mark our lives. 


But do we have the same expectations for spiritual growth in the Christian life?  Don’t be content with standing still and don’t allow yourself to regress.  More fruit of the Spirit, more glory to God, more obedience to His commands, more submitted to His will, more knowledgeable of His Word, more apt to help when a need is seen, more time on our knees, more gracious in our speech and attitudes.  Philippians 3:12-14 speaks of “pressing on” and “straining toward what is ahead”.  This admonishes anyone who would settle in and grow idle or stagnant or worse yet, backslide.  The Christian life should be marked by ongoing progress.  The last thing we want to say is that we have come no farther in our spiritual walk in the last several years – and, something we never want to say is that we are now actually further behind than where we were a while ago.


            Now, however, it must be said:  No amount of good deeds will make Jesus Christ overlook serious sins we allow in other areas of our lives.  Let us not think that if we are very active that all is automatically right before the Lord.  So often a person’s spirituality is measured by how active they are in the church.  While devotion to the ministry of the church is good and commendable it is not the sum total of whether a person is spiritually well.  It very well could be a cover for other areas where repentance is desperately needed.  Good deeds, while commendable, do not prevent the Lord’s discipline in other areas where we let sin reign. 


#2:  What Sins did the Church in Thyatira Commit? (v20-21, 24)

            The sins the church was guilty of were serious.  I see 3 of them here.  The first two were the same sins that Pergamum was guilty of:  eating food sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality. Eating foods sacrificed to idols indicates that the Christians weren’t just eating the leftover meat from pagan worship that was sold in markets, but, that they were participating in the feasts and enjoying fellowship with pagans through the rituals of pagan worship.  Turn to 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and Read.  Sexual immorality is serious because the Lord is serious about our purity.  Turn to 1 Corinthians 6 with me.


Pergamum had the Balaamites and the Nicolaitians leading them into these sins, but, in Thyatira it was an individual woman that had risen up and corrupted the church.  Jesus calls her “that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess.”  It is unlikely that this woman was actually named Jezebel.  Probably what Jesus is doing is identifying her by her behavior, which was the same as the historical Jezebel in the OT, the wickedest woman who ever lived.  She had led the Israelites into the same sins of idolatry and sexual immorality.  This self-proclaimed prophetess was tolerated in Thyatira and was therefore causing the Church to commit two great sins that should never mark a Christian Church.


A subtle difference should be noted here between Pergamum and Thyatira:  In Pergamum there was a small population of believers guilty of these sins.  In verse 14 Jesus says, “you have people there…” almost like you get the sense that most of them were doing well and not guilty, but, they had some guilty ones in their fellowship.”  Contrast this with what Jesus says to Thyatira in verse 20, “You tolerate that woman Jezebel…she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.”  The “You” there is plural, and it indicts the the whole church for tolerating her and following her teachings.  In Pergamum only some were being corrupted, in Thyatira the whole church was corrupted.  Isn’t it interesting that this one woman was having such a sway over the whole church while the Baalamite and Nicolaitan groups in Pergamum only swayed a few?  What does this say?  It says that the weaker you get doctrinally the less resources Satan has to use to sway you. 


And that is the 3rd sin in my view:  the believers “tolerated” this woman.  Unlike Ephesus, Thyatira tolerated false teachers.  First of all a woman should not have authority over men – either officially or unofficially.  First Timothy 2:12 says, “I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man.”    In the second place, she was claiming to be a prophetess speaking for God.  You are never in more danger from the wrath of God than when you claim to speak for God and He never spoke to you or sent you in the first place.  That is a violation of the 2nd commandment to not use God’s name in vain and God ordered such people be killed for that sin.  She should have been run out of town or at least shunned by the believers there in Thyatira. 


#3:  What Kinds of Threats did Jesus Christ Make to the Church in Thyatira? (v22-23)

            In light of these sins Jesus makes some threats.  Notice verses 21-23 with me, “…..”


            Of course, we should ask, “In what way does Jesus threaten His Church?”  Does He forsake her and cast her away?  Does He rescind His love?  Does He take back His forgiveness and cast Christians back under condemnation?  No.  When His Church sins He draws near – not with tender love - but with tough love.  If a church’s sin increases then He will strikes harder with the rod of discipline.  His threats are made to bring correction and further the training in righteousness (Heb. 12:11).  And when He does actually carry out what He threatens it is to purify His Beloved Church.  Notice 3 things about His threats


First notice His patience.  However, here we have something to marvel at and worship the Lord for:  we can see the patience of Jesus Christ in the midst of His holy anger here.  He has given her time to repent.  This must mean that the Lord has somehow rebuked her in the past – maybe through believers there who challenged her from God’s word.  Either way Jesus doesn’t drop the hammer on her immediately.  Second Peter 3:9 says the Lord is patient not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.”  Our Lord wants repentance, not retribution, and over and over again in Scripture we see that He is willing to suffer for a while at least and hold out for people to turn from their sin. 


Secondly, notice His promise.  When people are threatened they ask, “Is that a threat?” and the other person replies, “It’s a promise.”  A threat is a promise.  And just like Jesus promises blessings His threats are promises of discipline.  He promises to “cast them on a bed of suffering”.  Let us not make the mistake of underestimate Jesus Christ’s willingness put His Church into the furnace and burn away her impurities.  We are not told specifically what this suffering is, but, we can be certain that it will indeed be a time of intense suffering for unrepentant Christians. 


Thirdly notice the purpose.  We might ask “What will this accomplish?”  Read these words slowly in verse 23, “….”  Two things are the purpose:  the refining of the Church and reverence for the Lord’s Name.  Perhaps the Christians there are like us today, thinking that somehow the Lord doesn’t see our sin.  We can keep it from Him.  Or maybe people think that God doesn’t judge sin.  This verse here is a warning:  He does indeed see sin and He does indeed judge it, and so we are to walk in the fear of the Lord (2 Cor. 5:11)


He threatens this Jezebel like woman and when He says “her children” He means all those who follow her in committing these sins.  To refer to someone as a child of someone else in Scripture often refers to the teacher/student relationship.  Timothy and Titus were Paul’s children.  John wrote to his “children” in his letters, referring to those believers whom he had pastored.  In Thyatira a lot of Christians were children of this false prophetess.


#4:  What Incentives did the Lord have for them?(v26-29)
Your Homework




#1:  Push forward to progress in our faith.  It is not accidental.  It doesn’t happen to us without us realizing it.  Growing in the Christian life takes effort like anything else in life.  Becoming a good driver, shooting freethrows, learning math, or how to swing a hammer all take practice and intention.  So does spiritual growth.  With devotion to spiritual things someone will see over time the change in themselves and be able to say, “I am in a place that is further along than I was a while ago.”


#2:  Realize the Lord cares about us as much as our holiness, and He cares about our holiness as much as He cares about us.  The problem we may run into is that when there sin in a Christian’s life or a church one of two mistakes are made.  First, people begin to think that because Jesus is angry with their sin He must no longer love them.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Anger and love are not mutually exclusive.  The second mistake is to think that because Jesus is so loving He would never become angry with our sin.  This also could not be further from the truth.  We must realize that the Lord cares about us and He cares about our holiness.

