Galatians 5:6, The Fruit of Faith

The Fruit of Faith

Galatians 5:6



            Galatians context:  turning to a false gospel that is centered on keeping the Law.  They were considering getting circumcised and following the Law of Moses. 


The greatest command:  Love the Lord and love your neighbor… (Mark 12:30)

Love is the only debt we have left to pay (Rom 13:8)

Love fulfills the Law (Rom 13:10)

They will all know we are disciples of Jesus by the love we have for each other (John 13:35)

Love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22)

Love chapter:  1 Cor. 13


#1:  The Foundation of Love:  We are Loved by God

            First we should note that solid foundation of our love.  And what is it?  It is that we are loved by God.  The reason we love is because we are loved by God.  Let us demonstrate the testimony of Scripture of the fact that we are loved by God.  John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…”.  And Romans 5:5 says, “God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.  Now turn with me to 1 John 4 and let’s read a couple verses together:  9-10, 16a, 19.  What we are seeing here is that God loved us first.  Now watch because this is all going to come around back to Galatians 5:6.  But one more place before we go there.  Turn to Ephesians 2:4. 


This love that God has is experienced only by those who have a new standing in Christ.  And this is how all of this relates to Galatians 5:6.  Paul says “For IN CHRIST JESUS…”  Don’t go any further than that right there.  That phrase “in Christ Jesus” is referring to Christians, to believers, people who have put their trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.  As a result of therefore of that faith, God has regenerated us – caused us to be born again – by the Holy Spirit.  We are no longer “in sin”, but, we are “in Christ”.  We are those who will not be penalized for our sin, but, we have now and forever been pardoned.  Simply put, Paul is giving instructions for believers to follow – not unbelievers.  I would even go as far to say that the only ones who can express this kind of love are those who are “in Christ” because this love comes from the Holy Spirit, and the only ones with the Holy Spirit are Christians. 


Are you in Christ?  If not, then you are in your sins in God’s eyes.  God still charges you with your sins.  But if you look to Jesus and put your faith in Him then God will no longer charge you for your sins.  You will no longer be “in” your sins, but, rather, you will be “in” Christ Jesus.  You will have a completely new standing before God.  You will have a brand new position in front of Him.  Your position will be in Christ.  That means that all the perfection and all the righteousness and all the merit of Jesus Christ will be credited to your account.  So when God looks at your account He no longer sees sin, for which He must judge, but, rather He will see the righteousness of Christ. 


Here are 2 Applications. First, do you know God by His love?  When you imagine God do you imagine Him in the same way He is described in Scripture – as a God who has an unyielding love for you? 


Secondly, do you look at Christians as those who are “in Christ”?  When you look at each other here, do you say to yourself, “There goes another man/woman whom God loves.  There goes another one of those people who are credited with perfect righteousness before God.  That person is ‘in Christ’” I dare say that how we love each other is directly related to how well we see how much we’ve been loved by God.  And if we are to love more, then, it requires that we see more how much God loves us.  We must believe God that when He says in His Word that He loves us, we must believe Him.  God has given us a foundation to love by giving us His love.    


#2:  Religion does not Produce Love

            Secondly, Love is not produced by Religion.  Specifically, in Paul’s words to the Galatians, Love is not produced by keeping the Law of God.  Note what Paul says, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value...”  It won’t have any value.  In other words, it is worthless, and won’t count for anything before God. 


Now, you might be asking, “Why does he mention circumcision?  What is he saying?”  Well, let’s look at the verses before starting in verse 1.  [Read]


            Circumcision was the sign that God gave the Jewish people.  Every Jew, according to the Law that God gave the Jews, was to be circumcised on the 8th day after he was born.  It was a physical sign to mark them as the chosen, covenant people of God.  It was a marker for them to remind them of the covenant God had made with them through Moses.  They were to obey the Law and there would be blessings, and, if they did not then there would be curses.


But, Paul’s ministry dealt extensively with the all important point that Christ is the end of the Law.  The Law of Moses has no claim upon a believer.  There is no obligation to obey the Law of Moses for any Christian.  Romans 10:4 says “Christ is the end of the Law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.”  We do not live to obey the Law because Christ has put an end to it.  Why was it given?  Paul answers that in 2 places:  Galatians 3:24 and Romans 3:20.  [Read both passages].  The Law was given to make people understand they are sinners and therefore need a Savior.  The Law pointed to Christ and leads people to Christ.  Once someone goes to Christ, they leave the Law behind.  Notice Paul’s words to the Galatians in 3:1-5 [Read].  The problem here is they started out with Christ, and from that point on should have left the Law behind.  But, now that they were in Christ they were returning to the Law.  Paul says, “Did you receive the Spirit of God by obeying the Law?  NO!”  Here is a really important application:  The Holy Spirit does not lead a person to follow the Law. 


            This issue of circumcision provides a principle for us:  Outward obedience to religion counts for nothing before God.  What outwardly religious things – while good – do we do that we are depending on for God to accept us?  Attending church?  Baptism?  Giving?  Serving?  Communion? 


            If we are operating on Law, be it the Law of Moses or our own created rules, then this will not lead to love.  Point:  Religion leads to self-righteousness, not love.  It’s performance based.  Religion is the merit that I try to earn through my personal effort to impress God with my religion.  Religion causes us to look down on others and live a life where we measure ourselves and others by performance.  Religion does not produce love.


#3:  Love is the Expression of Faith

            Lastly, Love is the Expression of Faith.  Notice Galatians 5:6, when it says, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything.  The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”  Notice that it is faith contrasted with religion.  Religion does not produce love, but, faith does.  Faith is the soil from which love grows.  Love springs from faith.  Faith and love are coupled together so often in Scripture because of the close relationship between the two.  Turn with me to Ephesians 1:15; Colossians 1:4-5; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:4-5; Philemon 4; 1 Peter 1:22.


            Love is the crowning jewel of the Christian life.  It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22).  It is not a debt to the Law, but, to love that we are left with (Romans 13:8).  Love is said to be the fulfillment of the Law (Rom 13:10).  Love is both the 1st and the 2nd greatest command:  love God 1st, and love your neighbor 2nd (Mark 12:30).  And we are to love the brotherhood – that is we are to have a special, sacred love for other Christians (John 13:34-35; Gal. 6:10).  J. B. Stoney said “The greatest proof of our love for Christ is that we care for those who belong to Him.”  Francis Schaeffer said (pg 204)


            It is our faith that is expressed through love.  If we want to demonstrate our faith, then chiefly we must love.  But faith in what?  Why does faith bring about love?  Because it is God’s love for me, as He expressed in giving His Son over to death for my sins, that I believe and have faith in.  And since a person becomes like the deity he worships, I will become loving like this God I worship  is loving. 


Simon Greenleaf, one of the founders of Harvard Law School, and who is responsible for the principles of how a court of law evaluates evidence, wrote this in his powerful essay “The Testimony of the Evangelists”:  The object of man’s worship, whatever it be, will naturally be his standard of perfection…this character he endeavors himself to acquire every attribute of his deity … it is the inevitable consequence of sincere and constant worship.” 


Now what all this means is that the way in which I understand God to be and what I worship Him to be, will bring about in me those attributes I worship Him for.  In other words, we become like the God we worship.  We reflect in ourselves the idea of God that we have – whether it is accurate or not, whether it is true or false, real or imagined.  So, if I understand God to be loving, and I understand God has loved me, so much that He sacrificed His own Son for me, then as I worship Him as that loving God and understand Him to be that kind of God then the “inevitable consequence of sincere and constant worship” in my life will be that I become loving LIKE Him. 


Can you see how important then Ephesians 3:17-20 is?  Gro



Remember that 1)  God has loved us and we are in Christ, 2) Outward religious devotion does not promote real love, and 3) Love is expressed through faith.



