Matthew 28:18-20, Doing Discipleship (Part 2)

Doing Discipleship


Three Primary Contexts for Discipleship to Take Place.
#1:  In the Local Church.  The local church fellowship is the foundational setting for discipleship.  Wherever a group of believers are grouping together the purpose is for growing as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  And within the local church fellowship, the Sunday Worship Service is the primary means of making disciples.  The hearing of God’s Word being preached happens.  Making music to the Lord with gladness and thanksgiving happens.  Giving our encouragement to others happens.  Giving our offerings to the Lord happens.  Prayer together happens.  Spurring one another on in the faith and towards good deeds, pointing each other forward to the return of Jesus Christ, coming alongside one another, and spreading the Gospel are all aspects of Sunday morning worship together. 


Don’t forsake getting together with Christians regularly and habitually.  Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give the habit of meeting together as some are doing…”  In Acts 2:42 the first 3,000 Christians were born and it says this:  They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”  Verse 46 says that they actually were meeting every day for church and then on top of that they were meeting in each other’s homes.  The local church is indispensable to a disciples progress.


Then there are the other ministries performed by the local church.  These are also all aimed at growing disciples.  Sunday School, Men’s & Women’s Groups and so on.  Take advantage of these.


To get the most out of local church discipleship do these 3 things: 

1)    Attend.   Don’t skip.  What is more important than the Church gathering together for worshipping God?  Really?  Commit yourself to attending. 


2)    Engage.  Turn your phone off.  Tune out the week’s distractions.  Take notes.  Talk about the service with your family – how did the passages, the message, the songs speak to you?  Don’t do church in autopilot.  Engage.


3) Prepare.  Get yourself ready for church before you get here.  Pray before coming.  Bring your Bible.  Determine what time you need to be out the door to be here on time.  Sometimes getting everything ready Saturday night is the best way to do it, with kids especially.



#2:  In the Home.  Parents disciple their children.  Children are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Parents we are their God-given disciplers. 


Be worthy of imitating.  What kids need is an example worth following.  Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Follow my example, as I follow Christ.”  He says in Philippians 4:8, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice.”  This is authenticity in the faith, and authenticity is what kids need. 


When we live out what we say we believe it gives us 2.5 things. 

First, credibility with our family.  Our family’s trust in us should be the most important treasure to us. 

And, 2) it shows that faith in Christ is real and it impacts us in our day to day lives.  Faith in Jesus isn’t just something we do on Sunday morning in front of everyone at church.  Faith in Christ changes the way I am a husband and father at home. 

And 2.5) being worthy of imitating means having the luxury of being able to confidently call our children to imitate us.  There is nothing more I want as a dad than that.  Be what God wants your children to become.


Do Family Worship at home.  Family worship is a great way to strengthen your leadership at home as the spiritual leader of your home.  There is nothing like bringing your family together to read God’s Word, discuss it, pray, sing, and memorize Scripture.


#3:  One on One.  Basis for One on One discipleship.  Jesus had 70 disciples.  Out of that 70 he had 12.  Out of that 12 he had 3 (Peter, James and John).  Out of those 3 he had one “beloved disciple” – John. 


Paul had Timothy, and Titus, and Silus. 


In the OT Moses had Joshua, the prophet Samuel was discipled by Eli the High Priest and the list goes on. 


There are great Benefits of individual and personal relationship with a disciple.  First of all it Strengthens the relationships between people within EFC.  Something happens in a one-on-one setting that does not happen in a group setting.  Is there a more powerful way to say you care than to commit to helping another brother or sister’s spiritual growth?  How many parents here would love for another adult to take your child under their wing for a while and invest in their spiritual life?  That is after all what we as a whole church promise to do when a baby is dedicated.  Question:  How many kids graduate and leave the church they grew up in?  Plea to older Christians:  invest in the younger Christians.  We have too much segregation going on today.  I can’t stand the trend today to have some supposedly hip, cool, modern youth minister to raise up our kids.  We in the younger generations need the wisdom that you have gained from many years of knowing the Bible and walking with Christ through life’s experiences.  How did you tackle the tough questions about life?  How did you choose your spouse?


#2:  Secondly a personal discipleship relationship gives you a chance to Develop spiritual children.  Spiritual children is simply the Bible’s way of talking about people you’ve personally worked with to help them grow in Christ.  (Turn to 1 Timothy 1:2; Titus 1:4; 1 John 2:1; 1 Corinthians 4:15).  The reward of entering into another person’s life to play a part in their progress cannot be overrated.  The value is mutual, the benefit goes both ways.  Don’t be afraid to adopt them into your heart, or let them adopt you. 


#3:  Thirdly, there is a Much better chance to learn Biblical teaching.  Someone can learn when they are part of a crowd being taught, but, they learn far more in a one on one setting.  Smaller classrooms with smaller teacher to student ratios helps kids learn better.  One on one tutoring is the best way for kids to learn.  It’s also the best way for someone to grasp biblical teaching. 


Because it is more personal, the things that you learn are personalized more.  Questions can be asked and answered with Bibles open.  Many people have felt they can’t ask the questions they have.  One on one gives them a safe place to ask.  So many times in one on one discipleship hard questions have been asked.  I love the questions that I don’t have answers for because it is an opportunity for me to learn something too.  Isn’t learning the essence of discipleship?  Disciple means, “a learner”. 


***I suggest that the widespread shallowness in church today, and the widespread ignorance of Scriptural teaching, is due to the absence of committed discipleship.  But it is not only the disciple who gains more from a one on one relationship.  Both disciple and discipler learn much together.  Nothing cures staleness and stalling in our personal walk with Christ like helping someone else grow.  It reinvigorates our own love to learn and grow.


Now, to do one on one You don’t have to know everything.  That is a misconception.  You don’t have to be a seminary graduate to disciple – you don’t even have to be a seminary grad to be a pastor!  There are so many resources all you have to do is pick one and go through it together (Show materials under pulpit).  That’s the idea:  learn together.  Share the experience of doing the Christian walk together with someone. 


Let’s someone else see you living for Christ.  Makes living for Christ real.  (Turn to 1 Thessalonians 2)


The benefits and rewards that come from personal 121 discipleship cannot be overrated or overstated. 


How to conduct one-on-one discipleship.

1.     Start with a commitment that you will try it.  Don’t wait until you feel like you know everything.  Most of what you need to know you learn while doing it.  Pray to the Lord to give you a willing heart. 

2.     Pray for the Lord to lead you to someone in the church.  Look for someone of the same gender. 

3.     Go to them and ask them if they would be interested in doing discipleship.  Don’t wait for them to come to you – go to them.  Jesus sought out His disciples and when He approached them He said, “Follow me.”  Invite them - tell them you would love the chance to do it with you.  Commit to a certain time – whether 6 weeks or 6 months.

4.     Meet weekly, bi-weekly, monthly meetings.

5.     Use some good discipleship material.



Three Areas of the Christian Life that Discipleship Promotes.


1.     Theology.  One of the most important areas to always be growing in is theology.  You might say it means knowing sound doctrine, having knowledge of God's Word, understanding the teachings of Scripture.  This is the foundation for everything else that follows in our faith.  This Goal will require the discipline of regular reading and studying of the Bible, discipleship with me where we discuss theology.  You will explain your understanding of theology in our times together to start developing your ability to articulate (teach) theology.  Important Bible verses are 2 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 4:13; and 2 Timothy 1:13-14 and 2:2. 


2.     Character. By this is meant your growth into more Christ-like character as a man.  This is ongoing for our entire lives for we never "arrive" until we stand before Him.  But character grows out of our theology.  Discipleship is not just growing in "head-knowledge", but, heart character.  Knowledge that doesn't transform the heart leads to pride and haughtiness and a bloated estimation of ones own self.  Immediate areas usually are the outward external behaviors.  Long-term areas are the inward attitudes and heart conditions where the fruit of the Spirit develops in us and effects our responses and our relationships to others. 


3.     Effectiveness. This grows out of your character.  Whereas character emphasizes your personal growth, effectiveness refers to your impact on the growth of others.  Think of "service" to others, "usefulness" to the Lord, a life that "counts for Christ", "Iron sharpening iron", and edifying others, etc.  Logically, if you are not growing, you aren't helping anyone else grow - probably the opposite.  ***The importance of Effectiveness is because we know we will all stand before Jesus Christ someday and have our lives evaluated by Him.  On that day we will receive reward or lose rewards based on how we lived our Christian lives.  So, my goal right now is to help you earn as much reward as possible on that day.  Therefore, you and I need to be ready to be encouraged, challenged, and affirmed by one another in areas of our character and effectiveness.

