Marriage God's Way: A Wife's Submission, Part B

Ephesians 5:23-24

Marriage God’s Way

Part B:  A Wife’s Submission



Illustration:  There was a lady who I read was a member of a woman’s club and one day their club had a speaker who was lecturing on marriage.  The speaker asked the audience how many of the women wanted to "mother" their husbands.

One member in the back row raised her hand.

"You do want to mother your husband?" the speaker asked.

"Mother?" the woman echoed. "I thought you said smother."

It has been said that while Love is a dream. Marriage is the alarm clock!

Our series right now is called, “Marriage God’s Way”.  There are enough people out there doing marriage their own way.  As Christians, we want to do marriage God’s way.  Since Paul is a gentleman, he addresses the ladies first.  We saw a couple weeks ago that her role is to submit to her husband.  A wife’s submission to her husband is based on her submission to Christ.  A wife who is filled with the Holy Spirit (v18), reverent of Christ (v20), and submitted to Christ (v22), will be submitted to her husband.  Now, let us proceed through verses 23 and 24, to see more of what submission means.

Submission means Recognizing Your Husband’s Headship (v23)

            Our first point today is that Submission is Recognizing Your Husband’s Headship.  Notice verse 23, “For the husband is the head of the wife...”  Paul taught this same thing when he wrote to the Corinthians.  In 1 Corinthians 11:3 he said, “Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of every woman is man..” 

            For a wife to submit to her husband it requires that she recognizes her husband is her head – that is, her authority.  That’s what head means.  The Bible says that Christ is the Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22), He is the authority of the Church.  And, the Bible says that man is the head of the woman.  When a wife submits to her husband she recognizes he is her authority. 

What does that mean?  It means to put your husband’s will before your own.  Submitting means surrendering your rights and yielding to your husband.  It is not involuntary, or forced – and it’s not meant to be.  It is a voluntarily act where you place yourself beneath your husband’s authority.


            Why is the husband the head?  Why is it not the other way around?  Well, Satan and the world flip this relationship upside down, and pervert it in all sorts of ways.  What we need is some Biblical perspective.  Let us examine several Biblical reasons why it is the husband who is the head of the wife.


#1:  First, because of Creation.  Man is the head of the wife because God created him first.  You’ll remember that Adam came before Eve – he is older than she is.  It is this order of creation that gives us the reason for the order of authority.  It’s important to note also that it was Adam who named Eve.  This was a sign of Adam’s authority.  This order of creation is actually what Paul refers to in 1 Timothy 2:13 when he is teaching that women are not to have authority over men.  He says, “For Adam was formed first, then Eve.”  In other words, because Adam came first, he had authority over her.  He was her head.  And so, marriage is patterned that way ever since.  A woman who submits to her husband recognizes that he is her head, her authority, because that is the way God created it to be.


***Why would woman be created after man?  Why didn’t God create her from the dirt the same way and at the same time He created man?  Why did God create her after man? 


#2:  The answers to those questions become the 2nd reason why the husband is the head of the wife:  She Compliments him.  The man is the head of the woman because of creation, and, because she compliments him.  What does this mean?  It means she was created by God for man.  God said in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good for man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.”   That is why the man is the head of the woman.  She was created for him, not the other way around.  First Corinthians 11:8-9 says, “For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.”  She was made by God for man to compliment him.  She is his helpmate. First Corinthians 11:7 says actually that she is the glory of the man.


#3:  Thirdly, the man is the head of the woman because of the Curse.  In Genesis 3 we see how sin entered the world.  In Genesis 3:16, because of the woman’s sin, God stated that her desire would be for her husband....  When God said her “desire” would be for her husband it means that she would desire to rule him, to be his authority, to make him do what she wants him to do.  It was a statement of the conflict between man and woman introduced into their relationship because of their sin. 


The word for “desire” is the same Hebrew word used in the next chapter when God said to Cain, “sin crouches at your door and it desires to have you..” (4:7). That doesn’t mean sin wanted to cooperate with Cain, sin wants to enslave Cain.  Because Eve usurped her husband’s authority in Genesis 3 (abandoned being the helpmate, engaging Satan without deferring to her husband, disobeying the command Adam gave her from the Lord, leading him into disobedience, etc.), the sinful desire to rule her husband came into her heart. 


This is why we have woman saying things today like:  He may be the head, but, I am the neck that controls the head.”  Or, “I’m still training him”, or, “I wear the pants”, or, “He’s not my boss”, or whatever other defiant and manipulative statements women make to scorn submission to their husbands.  These are rebellious statements against God’s established order in marriage.  Women who maintain such attitudes are not simply rejecting their husband’s authority, but, they are rejecting God’s authority – He ordered things this way.  Such attitudes are rooted in Genesis 3:16, “Your desire shall be for your husband”, to rule him, master him, control him. 


But while God acknowledges this desire in her, He is not the author of that sinful desire.  He is, however, the Author of the proper order of authority in marriage, which is why God does say in the same verse, “He will rule over you.”  In essence, “Your husband will be your head.”


Let us relate this to Ephesians 5:23-24.  Take any of those statements about the husband being the head and the wife being the neck, and imagine the church saying that about Jesus Christ.  He may be the head, but, we’re the neck that controls Him.”  No one in their right mind would dare say such things about their Lord – not even jokingly.  Out of reverence for Jesus Christ no Christian woman should say that about their husbands either – whom their Lord has appointed to be their head.


So, the man is the head of the wife – because of creation, because she compliments him, and because of the curse.


#4:  Fourthly, the husband is the head of the wife because this Corresponds with Christ’s Headship over the Church.  For Christian women this is an extremely important reason for submitting to your husbands.  Marriage is patterned after Christ and His relationship to the Church.  In a marriage, the husband corresponds with Christ, and, the wife corresponds with the Church.  As Ephesians 5:23 says, “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church…”  A wife’s submission corresponds to the Church’s submission.  She is like the Church.  Her role is that of Body, as verse 28 says, “Husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies”. 


There is great dignity and beauty in a submissive wife.  The woman of Proverbs 31 is a woman of great dignity and beauty, and, yet, it says nothing of her physical appearance.  But notice the way it describes how she beautifully corresponds to her husband.  In verse 12 it says, “Her husband has full confidence in her…she brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.”  Then it says in verse 23, “Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.”  Contrast that with the repugnance of a rebellious wife in Proverbs.  A quarrelsome wife is like constant dripping” says Proverbs 19:13.  Better to live on the corner of a roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife” Proverbs 21:9 says.  It is a beautiful and dignified sight when a woman willingly, voluntarily chooses to submit herself to her husband because she knows she corresponds to the Church.


#5:  Fifthly, and lastly, a wife recognizes her husband’s headship because it is Commanded in Scripture.  Notice Ephesians 5:24, “Now as the Church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”


Submitting means putting your husbands will before your own.  It means seeking his agenda, not your own.  Listen, this takes a strengthened will, not a weakened will.  This isn’t passive, it is active submission.  This isn’t done from weakness, it is done from spiritual strength.  It isn’t done from fear, it is done from faith.  It is not done from pride, but, from humility.  It isn’t done from flesh, it is done from a Spirit-filled condition.  It isn’t done out of inspiration from a perfect husband (sometimes it is), it is done out of love and reverence for Christ.  It isn’t done from a self-assertive will, but, from a will surrendered to Christ.  It isn’t done conditionally, or depending on how well the husband is doing - it is done unconditionally, regardless of his behavior.  A wife submits to her husband because she recognizes his headship is commanded in Scripture.


The important thing here is that this means your husband does not need to be perfect in your eyes for you to submit to him.  Your Savior is perfect, and, therefore, because you are submitted to a perfect Savior, you can submit to an imperfect man if that’s what your Savior wants directs you to do.


Is there any situation where a woman should not submit to her husband?  Of course.  At least one reason is that if he is leading her to sin, she should refuse.  Remember, a woman’s first authority is Christ, and, if a husband is leading her to actively sin against Christ then she should remain loyal to Christ.


But there are some common reasons why woman refuse to submit.  These are 3 Stumbling Stones to Submission.

1)    Fear of a dictator husband.

2)    Fear your husband won’t do it your way.  Fear of not being in control.

3)    Frustration with a passive husband.



Application/ Conclusion:

            We have spent some time here outlining the Biblical reasons why a wife is to submit to her husband.  At this point, some wives may be asking “How?”  “How do I submit to my husband?”  I am going to offer several practical starters to help you submit.


#1:  The first thing a wife can do is to start with the right heart.  Start submitting in your heart first.  Everything comes from the heart.  Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”  In Matthew 12 Jesus said that it is out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks and in Mark 7 He said it is up out of the heart that all of our behavior comes from.  Practically, if you want to know where to start in submitting, start with your heart.  This takes studying the issue in God’s Word, praying and asking Christ to change your heart and yielding to the Holy Spirit. 


#2:  Second, learn to be Silent.  Learn to hold your tongue.  Why do I say this?  Some women do a lot of damage with their mouths.  And, as I study this issue in the Bible I see a direct relationship between a woman’s submission and her silence. Let me read to you several passages that illustrate the point.


***1 Peter 3:1 says this, “Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.  Notice that he says, “without words”.  Submission is seen in silence.


***Another passage is 1Timothy 2:11, “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.”  Paul says in the very next verse, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”  In other words, a woman’s submission is seen in her silence.


***Lastly, in 1 Corinthians 14:34 it says, “women should remain silent in the churches.  They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission.”  Again, a woman’s submission is reflected in her silence.


Silence is a product of submission.  But silence in a marriage does not mean that she is a mute.  Silence does not mean she is not allowed to talk, or has no input, no contribution, no dialogue, or that she has nothing to offer.  That isn’t it at all. 


Silence means that a wife refrains from nagging her husband, from criticizing him, from preaching to him, from being his teacher, from put-downs, from undermining him and under-cutting his decisions, from pushing him, and from manipulating.  Silence is refraining from trying to mother your husband, from giving him orders and from trying to boss him around, from being condescending towards him, and for crying out loud no Christian wife should ever tweet or post derogatory comments about her husband on Facebook.  This is the woman that Proverbs warns about.  Better to live on the corner of a roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife (21:9).  Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife (21:9).  A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day (27:15). 


It is said that a woman needs to say at least 10,000 words a day.  If wife can’t hit that number without disrespecting her husband then she needs to settle for fewer words.  Actually, a better suggestion is that whatever she has to say to her husband to try and straighten him out, or to “train him” is something she should tell the Lord in prayer instead.  If the woman who uses her mouth to run her husband down spent half that time in prayer instead of she would see far more results. I would say that a woman who uses a lot of words to influence her husband does not have the behavior the Bible says she should.  And, that means you have to stop focusing on his flaws and start focusing on being the godly woman that God wants you to be in your situation.


Illustration:  Man who came to pastor, had attended church for 25 years, respected, leader in the church, said, "Pastor, I've got something to tell you. I've never told this to a soul, extremely difficult to tell you this now, but my wife and I have had a fight every day for the past 30 years of our marriage." 

Pastor taken back. Didn't know what to say to the man. Playing for time to gather thoughts, said, "Every day?" 

"Yes, every day." 

"Did you today before you came to church?" 


"Well, how did it end up?" 

"She came crawling to me on her hands and knees." 

"What did she say?" 

"Come out from under that bed you coward and fight like a man!"


This is so important because God created the woman to be the helpmate to her husband.  She is extremely valuable to her him.  When Adam was alone, and Eve hadn’t been created yet, God said that Adam’s condition was “not good”.  God offered the solution in the form of the woman.  She brings wholeness, companionship, and help to him.  It may very well be that she has more to offer than her man.  Husbands are wise to give serious consideration to the input and feedback and contribution a wife offers.  But everything a woman has to offer is to be offered to her husband in submission to him.  When a woman usurps her husband, or tries to take on his role, it doesn’t matter what she has to offer anymore, she is out of order.  But when she offers her gifts in submission to her husband she is a source of feedback, wisdom, insight and counsel that is extremely valuable.  Her value is in her God-created role.  But, the value of what she can offer diminishes the further away she gets from that role.  How to submit?  Learn to be silent.


#3:  Third, get connected with a godly older woman.  The ins and outs of daily submission to your husband are not learned from the pulpit.  I cannot possibly give direction for how to submit to your husband in all the different marriage scenarios.  Nor can I teach all the “how-to’s” of submitting to him.  ***Nor am I supposed to***.  The Bible doesn’t put that on me, it puts it on older women.  Titus 2 says that older women are to teach the younger women.  Turn to Titus 2:3-5 with me.  (Read)


This requires that the older women are available and able to teach these things.  The older women, who have been there and done that, married to an imperfect man, yet, because of a perfect Savior, have learned to submit.  Through prayer she’s battled her anger, frustration, and disappointments.  Through the Word, through reverence for Christ, she has learned the practical details of how to manage her heart, her words, and her actions so that she lives in submission to her husband and sincerely treats him like her Christ-appointed head. 


This doesn’t come from 2 sermons.  It comes from a deepening, rich, open, transparent, honest communication between an older woman and younger woman who both desire to please Christ.  It happens over the phone, over coffee, over Bible study and constant encouragement and modeling.  It is learned, it is not natural.  Submission is something that is spiritual, it is supernatural, and it is aided and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  This emphasizes the need of the relationship between the older and the younger, in mentoring relationships.


Illustration:  A braid appears to contain only two strands of hair. But it is impossible to create a braid with only two strands. If the two could be put together at all, they would quickly unravel. Herein lies the mystery: What looks like two strands require a third. The third strand, though not immediately evident, keeps the strands tightly woven. In a Christian marriage, God's presence, like the third strand in a braid, holds holds husband and wife together.  Cathern Paxton.
