John 15:8-17, The Rewards of Remaining in Christ

John 15:8-17
The Rewards of Remaining in Christ

First, there are REQUESTS that come from Remaining. Verse 7 says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.”
1.1 Jesus is making a profound promise in this verse. When you study the Word, look for promises. Promises are so wonderful because they are the expressions of God’s faithfulness. They are instances where God puts His character on the line by declaring ahead of time that He will do something.
1.2 He declares it ahead of time so that we have the opportunity to believe Him. We believe that He will make good on His promises or we believe that He will not. Let’s put it into a question: Do you believe God will do what He said He will do or not? When we come face to face with a promise from God we expose either our faith in Him or our lack of faith. His promises are not only the point at which His faithfulness to us is expressed, but, His promises are the point where our faith in Him is expressed.
1.3 In John 15:7 we are given the promise that our prayers will be answered. But you’ll notice that this verse is a cause and effect verse. There is the promise of answered prayer, but, there is a condition that must be met before prayer is answered. You might say God has expectations of us before we can come to Him and expect from Him. Do you want to have an effective prayer life? Do you want to see the power of God at work resulting from your prayers? Do you want to come to God with greater confidence that He will grant your requests?
1.4 If so, then Jesus says we must remain in Him and His words must remain in us.

The reward that comes from remaining in Christ is that we can make Requests.

Second, there are RESULTS that come from Remaining. Verse 8 says, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
The Results of Remaining:
1) We bear fruit
2) We prove that we are disciples
a. Proving to others and proving to myself (assurance of faith; John 8:31)
3) We bring glory to the Father

Thirdly, there is RESEMBLENCE that comes from Remaining. Verses 9-10 say, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”

Fourthly, there is REJOICING that comes from Remaining. Verse 11 says, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

Fifthly, there is REAL FRIENDSHIP that comes from Remaining. This point will cover verses 12-17. And it is in these verses that Jesus turns them in a different direction.

In chapter 15, He is speaking about 3 different relationships the disciples have. He begins in verses 1-11 and speaks of their relationship to Him. In verses 12-17 Jesus changes gears and teaches them about their relationship to each other. And then in verses 18-27 He speaks about their relationship to the world.

Now it is important that He begins this chapter with their relationship to Him. He comes first. He is before all things and He is before everyone. And it is their relationship with Jesus Christ that defines all of their other relationships. Their relationship with each other is defined by Him. Their relationship with the world is defined by Him.

This is a truth that reaches forward 2,000 years because it is also our relationship with Jesus, if we are truly His disciples, that defines every other relationship that we have. Whether it is Christian to Christian, Christian to non-Christian, husbands and wives, children and parents, employees and bosses, citizens and governments - all of our relationships are defined by Him. Who He is and who we are in Him makes us who we are in all other relationships.

But it is in verses 12-17 that Jesus focuses on their relationship that they have with each other. This is absolutely critical for us here and now because Jesus is talking about His expectations of how we are to be with each other. Furthermore, Jesus bases our friendship with each other on His friendship with us. In other words, He models for us the kind of friend we are to be to each other. In verse 12 He says, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

Jesus makes 4 points about this Real Friendship that is an Reward for Remaining.

First, Real Friendship is based on Sacrifice. Notice verse 13, “

Second, Real Friendship is based on Submission. Notice verse 14, “

Third, Real Friendship is Special. Notice verse 15, “

Fourthly, Real Friendship is based on each of us being Sent. Notice verse 16,
We all have one thing in common. There is something that is true of each of us. We share one thing together as Christians and that is our purpose. Our purpose is what we all have in common and our purpose is to bear fruit.

